Monday, September 29, 2008



OMG We had the BEST time EVER!!!!!!! Skydiving is awesome!! We seriously had such an AWESOME time. I think I'm still high from it (the legal kind of high LOL). OK so let me see if I can tell you the entire story.
My friends and I met at work at 9:30am on Friday, September 26, 2008. It was Kristi, Cyndi, Chris and me. It was Cyndi's bday too!! We were SOOOOO excited. We were yelling and screaming the whole way there. And we were jamming the music. I seriously think that Cyndi knows the words to every song in the world LOL! We looked SOOOOOOOO HOT riding in Kristi's mini-van. We stopped at a rest stop and of course we had to let the people there know that we were going skydiving. Then we were on the road again. The closer we got, the more we were screaming with excitement!! Right before we got there, we popped in the CD "Live like you were dying" by Tim McGraw!! It's about a guy who just found out he's dying. Part of the lyrics are.... I went skydiving, I went Rocky mountain climbing..... So, we got even more pumped up singing that. As we pulled up, we stuck Kristi's camera out the window and took a picture of the SKYDIVE CHICAGO sign!! We started SCREAMING with excitement.

We got out of the van and we walked in. We were like an hour early so we had time to take it all in. We talked to this lady that was kind of snooty but she said we could fill out our paperwork while we waited for the others to get there. She told us that she had to witness us signing everything so we should not sign anything until we were in front of her. She kept saying "Don't sign anything." Then he said "Be sure not to sign anything, it kind of sneaks up on you." We were like "HHHHHHHHAAAAAAA like it's gonna sneak up on us.." and we were making fun of her (not to her face of course). So, we signed everything that basically in 50 different paragraphs we said that we wouldn't sue if we had serious INJURY or DEATH! We kept laughing because if you looked at the page from a little far away all you would see was "INJURY or DEATH" in every paragraph.

Then it was time for the class. We went downstairs and a guy named Sparky was our teacher. He was decent looking until we looked at his teeth and it looked like he hadn't brushed them in MONTHS! But, he was still really nice and funny. We first had to watch this video made by the guy who had designed the parachutes we were going to use. The guy that did the video sat at a desk with his fingers crossed and he didn't move the entire time. In Sparky's words, he looked like one of ZZ Top's grandpas. He had a LOOOOOOOOOOOONG grey beard that seriously went down to his chest. He basically told us the same thing as the paper work. I don't even remember a word he said LOL! Then Sparky taught us about H-A-T. That is when you jump, you first look at the HORIZON, then check your ALTIMETER, then.... hmmm what was the T for? You can tell I paid attention LOL! Then he said that when we'll be attached to our "Tandem Master" and he'll basically do everything. When we get up to 13,000 feet, we'll jump. We just have to arch our back and tip our head back. Then we'll free fall for about a minute at 120 miles per hour!!! And we're supposed to make a W with our arms. Then we're supposed to check our Altimeter and pull the parachute at 5500 feet (55 stay alive). I think that was it, it took about 5 minutes LOL! He told us that if we didn't pull the chute, it was ok bc they would pull it for us. And there was a reserve parachute, and if we both passed out a chute would come out automatically.
So, then we were done with class. We walked up stairs to see how our tandem master would be. I got "ENZO." I walked over and asked if he was Italian and he said yes. I said "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, I'm Italian too!!!" and we slapped each other a 5. I kept screaming and yelling and acting CRAZY!!!! Every few seconds I was screaming. The Tandem Masters kept saying "how much caffeine did you give her today." And they said "She always acts like this." LOL! Then we started suiting up. Then Enzo put my strap things on. It says Danger in 3 different languages on the back since that is the only thing we'll have on, no parachute on us!! Here is a pic of us in our suits!!

Left to right is me, Kristi, Chris and Cyndi. I know, I look like I have 15 chins LOL!

Then Enzo started going over and over with me how to check the altimeter and then pull the little ball for the chute to come out. I was paying attention but I was so excited, I couldn't concentrate. I suppose I should have "tried" to concentrate since I was jumping out of a perfectly good plane!! But, I was too excited! Here is Enzo trying to go over things with me:

Then it was time to load the plane. I was so excited that I just started boarding. Then I heard someone yell, "MELISSA!!" and I turned around and Enzo said "BYE!" HHHHHAAAAAA I totally forgot I needed my Tandem Master LOL!

So, we started loading the plane. I kept yelling "HI MOM" into the video camera because I knew my mom was going to FREAK when she saw the video of me jumping out of an airplane. She had NO IDEA that is what I was doing. Then one time I said "Hi Halle, Ellah, and husband...uh Rick." HHHHHAAAA I was so excited I couldn't' think of my own husband's name. OMG I hope he doesn't read this or I'll be in BIG trouble for that one LOL! Here is me loading the plane:

The plane fit about 23 people. There were no seats. We all had to sit on the floor toboggan (sp) style. We were in two rows. My camera guy was SOOOO funny. His name was Brad but he went by B-Rad! So, my Tandem master was behind me and my camera guy was in front of me. It was soooooooo exciting. Cyndi was right next to me and Kristi and Chris were behind me. Here we are in the plane:

On the way up, we reviewed the steps a few more times and then he hooked me up to him. It was WAAAAAY tight. I go "WOW, that's tight." and he goes "Good and he tightened it more." I thought my boobs were going to go flat. Not that they aren't already.

Then we got up to 13K feet. Cyndi was the first jumper. We "walked" over on our knees and then I watched Cyndi jump out. Suddenly I thought "HMMM that may be the last time I ever see Cyndi." Then my camera guy climbed out and just hung on to the side of the plane so he could get me jumping. Enzo, my tandem master, walked me over to the edge. He kept scooting me closer and for a split second I thought I was going to fall out and I almost got scared. But, then I didn't. Then I arched my back like a pro and put my head back and he counted and we took off. It was AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My favorite part was actually jumping out. Here is me jumping out. I am upside down in the first few pictures because you actually do a flip.

Check out my "PERFECT" arch!

That little white thing is not the parachute. It's just a thing that slows us down a little bit so that we are "only" going 120 mph. ONLY!!!

Here is another picture of me screaming with excitement as we are "FREE FALLING" Kristi, the gansta's favorite part. And another view of my perfect arch.

Check out this view!!

When you are going down, you are going so fast that you can hardly do anything. At one point I tried to do a peace sign for the camera and I could only get one finger to go up LOL!

So, on the way down, I checked my altimeter one time and it said I was at 11,000 feet. So, I thought "OK, I'm good, I have plenty of time to act like an idiot for the camera and then I can pull the chute." YEAH RIGHT!! I totally forgot to ever check it again and before I knew it, Enzo was pulling the chute. THANK GOD he remembered LOL! When he pulls the chute, you feel a slight jerk and your legs fly out and that's it. It's completely peaceful and calm.

I did get a little sick from all of the spinning so I told him not to spin me too much any more. Then he said "OK, I'm going to unclip the bottom two clips." and I'm like "WHAT THE..........." So, I said "OK but don't unclip the top." Like he didn't already know that. He needed to do that so that he would have more room to move around when we landed. Then we just floated down, it was SOOOOOOOOO AWESOME.

Then Enzo went over the process of coming in for a landing. All I had to do was stick my legs straight out. But, that was much harder than I thought. Thank goodness for all of those Planks I've been doing because I have abs of steal. That really uses those abs. Here we are coming in for a landing:And here we are back to earth safe and sound!! (See mom, I lived!!)

After all of that fun, I went to the restroom and when I came out, Cyndi had already bought me a Mike's Hard Lemonade Light. We waited for our videos to get done and then we were off to Cyndi's campsite at Woodhaven Lakes in Sublette, IL. We decided we were going to stop and eat at this Pizza place before we went to the camper. Kristi is training for a marathon and she still needed to run 5 more miles for the day. We dropped her off 5 miles from the pizza place. She changed on the side of the road.
So, we drive off leaving Kristi behind. When we get to the Pizza joint, we order a Mike's for me, and a pitcher of beer. And of course the Pizza. It was seriously the best pizza I've ever had. I HATE beer so I wasn't having any of that. Kristi came in 32 minutes after we arrived at the pizza place. It was HILARIOUS because she walked in wearing only her sports bra and shorts and she was literally DRIPPING with sweat. I was cracking up because she left a trail of sweat all the way to the bathroom.

Then the pizza came out, perfect timing. We ordered another pitcher of beer and we scarfed down the pizza. Then we were like "Let's hurry and drink the rest of the beer so we can get to the camper and watch our videos." So, there was like 1/3 of the pitcher left. I said "I should just chug all of that myself!" Totally joking since I can't stand beer. But, Cyndi said "I dare you, I'll give you five bucks!" and I was like "OK" you can't dare me to do anything because I WILL do it. Once a kid dared me to jump off my house and he said he'd "catch me." I climbed up and jumped and he moved out of the way and I went SPLAT on the ground (too bad I didn't have a parachute). Anyway, so I started chugging away. There were like 4 other tables of people and they were all laughing at me. Then I stopped for a breath and I looked at this 70+ year old guy and said "I'm getting too old for this." and he started cracking up. Here is a picture of me chugging:

Then we were off to the camper. We broke out the margaritas and beer as soon as we got there and it was all over after that. We were CRAZY!!!!!!! I drank a TON and had a blast. I never drink so that was ok. We started watching the videos. We ended up watching the videos about 10 times between Friday night and Saturday morning. We had the songs memorized by then. Cyndi's mom and dad stopped over at around midnight. I don't even remember them coming in, I just remember looking and they were sitting there LOL! We showed them the video and they left. We also hung out at the camp fire for a while, laughing and acting stupid. My butt cheeks got ATE UP by mosquitos. I guess black guys aren't the only ones that love that ghetto booty!

We went to bed at around 1:30 and got up around 7:30am. It took us a while to get up and around.

We started our drive back but we had to stop at Skydive Chicago again because Cyndi's still pictures didn't show up on her CD.

Then we went back home. We were crazy the whole way home, but a lot more calm than we were on the way there.

We can't WAIT to do it again!!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

It's over :( But not for long....

OK so the 3Day walk is finally over :( But it's OK. I am going to be doing it again next year. Yes that's right, it was such an amazing experience that I already signed up to do it again next year.

So, let me see if I can give you all of the details of the walk. I have some pictures that I can post now, but they are just pictures that other people took so I'll have to post mine later.
Please keep in mind, some of the details may be a little fuzzy so please excuse me if I mess up as I was a little delirious at times. Also names may be changed to protect the innocent. Ok I made that part up, but it sounded good, didn't it?
**Please ignore typos**

So, it all started on Thursday night. Well, it actually all started in March. My friend (and co-worker), Cyndi had already signed up to do the walk. I finally decided to do it and was so excited about it. I planned to put my friend, Bob's wife's name on the back of my shirt because she passed away of Breast Cancer on May 16, 2006. Four days later, my mother-in-law was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. God sure does work in mysterious ways. Anyway, so Melinda (my baby sister), her little girl Miranda and I all went, Thursday night, and stayed in a hotel in Northbrook, Illinois. Melinda and Miranda were going to be seeing me off in the morning and then Melinda was going to meet her friend Lindsey and they were taking Miranda to the American Girl store. I had met a girl named Cortney on the message boards on Wednesday and I was going to meet her once we got to the Red Roof Inn. She said "I'll be the one with the big wings." So, I texted her to tell her we were stuck in traffic. We didn't get to the hotel until like 11:30. Well, Miranda was excited and not used to sleeping with Melinda so she couldn't fall asleep but that was ok. I wasn't tired when I woke up.

DAY 1:
So, Friday morning I woke up at around 5am. I slept in my sports bra and the shorts I was going to wear the next day so it didn't take me long to get dressed, cake on the body glide (anti-chafing stuff in case you were wondering) pull my hair back, put a hat on, brush my teeth and get out the door. As soon as we opened the door there were two ladies walking by who were OBVIOUSLY doing the walk too. So, I ran out the door and gave them a big hug. They had big wings on so I said "CORTNEY?" But, it wasn't her. Then they said they were waiting for a taxi, so without even asking Melinda I said "Oh, we'll take you to the 3Day site" and then I was like "Oh do you mind, Melinda" LOL! Anyway, so we drove them there. It took us less than 5 minutes to get there. It was so exciting as we were pulling into the site. People were EVERYWHERE!! I found Cyndi right away and we dropped off our bags at truck G. He was a big guy and he was so sweet so I gave him a big hug and thanked him for taking care of our bags. Well, it was all over after that, I think I hugged EVERY SINGLE person I saw the entire weekend LOL! So, then it was time for the opening ceremony. It was so neat. First we stretched together which was kind of hard because we were all so close together and everyone's butts were in everyone else's face (little did I know that would be NOTHING compared to seeing all of the naked people in the shower trailers not even ATTEMPTING to cover up at all YUCK). Next was the motivational speaker. She talked about why we were doing this and then people walked out carrying pink flags that said things like "MY MOTHER" "MY DAUGHTER" "MY AUNT" and so on. Here is a picture of them:

So, then she talked about the survivors and they walked out carrying flags that said things like "HOPE" and "HEALING" there were quite a few survivors who walked. Then we were off. Of course Melinda was crying and so was Cyndi's mom, sister, and friend. They were so cute. I looked back and Melinda said "I love you." Aren't little sisters so cute :)
There were people who would ride up and down on their bikes, yelling at us and making sure you didn't need anything. There was a guy in biker shorts (GUYS SHOULD NOT WEAR BIKERS!!!) and he was wearing an Oscar the Grouch shirt, so of course, I kept calling him Oscar. Then my favorite guy was the guy dressed up like a fairy. Every time I saw him, I'd whistle and yell "NICE LEGS." I would describe him but I wouldn't do him any justice so I'll just post a picture (he's the one on the right and he looked like this the ENTIRE 3 days).

OK so then there were also these motorcycle guys (also known as the pink panthers) who rode around with pink helmets on. It was so nice. They were our crossing guards. They kept us safe. First we went through the Botanical Gardens. I don't know what the big hype is about that, because it was pretty boring to me. The only neat part was when this 10 or 11 year old boy came walking down the path with a grass skirt on and only a coconut bra!!! Then one of the first cities we went through, Winnetka, was BEAUTIFUL!! The houses looked like they were about 2 million dollars each. They were right on the lake and the GUEST houses were 4 times the size of my regular house! Then we went through Glenview. The people in all of the neighborhoods were so friendly. Every so often we would pass a house that had tables set up and signs in their yards. They would be playing music and cheering for us and handing out water, ice, candy or popsicles. It was so nice and it really kept us going.

Also, Superior ambulance service had this pink ambulance with pink ribbons on it:

A different pink ambulance was pulling these two guys on a trailer and they were playing music and dancing. Every time they went by, you know I had to stop to bust a move!!

Of course there were the "Sweep Vans" too. One was decorated with Tinker Bell stuff, one was decorated all western and one was Hawaiian. Did I spell that right? If we couldn't take another step, we were to make an X with our arms when they went by and they would stop and pick us up.
We had the BEST volunteer crew members EVER. They kept us fed, hydrated, and motivated and were always there right when we thought we couldn't take another step, cheering us on.
The crew also consisted of an AWESOME Medical Staff who took care of our sore muscles, injuries and MANY blisters.
Every time we saw someone with wings, Cyndi and I would yell "CORTNEEEEEYYY" to see if she would answer but it was never her.
We had "Pit Stops" every 2 to 3.5 miles. Here we could get those Smuckers Uncrustables Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches. I had never had those before, but they ROCK. I think I had about 3 a day LOL! They also had chips, peanuts, bananas, etc. And water and Gatorade.
Then the first cheering station came. Cyndi's mom and sister and Izzy were there. They were holding up signs that said "Go Melissa" and "GO Cyndi" and "Chicas 4 Tetas" and it was so cute because Cyndi's mom had one that said "Your Boobs will thank you." Then the REAL Cortney came up and said "Are you Melissa?" and I said "YES ARE YOU CORTNEY?" and she said "Yes." So, we hugged and she was on her way. But, Cyndi and I decided that we would still yell "CORTNEEEEYYY" at everyone we saw with wings, just for our own amusement. One group had a red carpet for us to walk across (they actually had it at EVERY single cheering station the entire weekend). Cyndi and I started doing the running man across it. Since we had our names on the front of our shirts, everyone kept yelling for us by name and that was great too. Hearing everyone yelling for us kept us moving.
At lunch time we had gone 10.7 miles. I was like "THERE IS NOOOOO WAY I am going to be able to finish all of this." But, we pushed on. When we had about 7 more miles we were like "OH ok, only 7 miles, we can TOTALLY do that."
Pit Stop 5 (the final Pit Stop) was called "BOOB CAMP." And the people were HILARIOUS. Notice in the picture below, the person on the left is a GUY with plastic boobs. It was so funny! By Day3 those boobs were all smashed in from people grabbing them over and over again.

Then with 4 miles to go, I got my second wind for about a minute. I started yelling and dancing. Then we passed this bar. Now, I'm not a drinker (maybe once a year) but MAN did an ice cold Margarita sound good. And there were even some walkers there stopping for a drink but I was like "NO way, I only have a few more miles to go." Then one of the crossing guards said "COME ON LET'S GO, you only have 1 more mile...." That was seriously the LOOOOOOOOOONGEST mile in history. The next day we were done walking that mile (see I told you some of the details were fuzzy). Just kidding but it seriously seemed like it was the next day by the time we finished it. Part of the reason the last mile totally stunk was because there was no where for us to walk besides the side of the road and it was FULL of huge rocks and pebbles that were killing our feet.

We ended up in Des Plaines, where we would camp at Oakdale Community College. So 21 miles later, we thought "AHHHHHHH no more walking for the day!" YEAH RIGHT!! We had to go collect our luggage and tents to put up. And guess what?? The tents were seriously about 1/4 to 1/2 mile away from where we walked in (the place where you eat and drink). Now I know it doesn't seem like that long of a walk, but after you just walked 21 miles, walking to the restroom seems unreasonable! I would almost rather just pee on myself. Here is a picture of camp:

and here is our pink sea of tents:

So we went to put our tents up. I could hardly carry my bag. We got there and started to put it up and along came a "tent angel" he was the father from a boy scout troop who had volunteered to help us set up tents and carry bags. Now don't misunderstand, I was SUPER grateful that he put our tent up, but I looked ALL over the place for some sorry sucker to carry my bag to the tent area and I couldn't find ANYONE! And I forgot to mention that our tents were ALLLLLL the way at the end. You see the small tents that are about the size of a spec of dust in the above picture? Yeah, that was us. So, then we went and ate. It was spaghetti. Now that was great!! What Italian girl doesn't get excited about spaghetti? While we were eating they announced that the last walker would be there any minute and that we were supposed to stand up and cheer for her. So, suddenly we hear someone yell "There's the last walker..." and so we all stand up (yes, all 2398 of us, plus the crew) and we are cheering, and hooping and hollering and it goes on for like 5 minutes. And then the speaker lady gets on and says "That was a great job you guys, that was really good practice for when the REAL last walker comes in." So, this time when the last walker came in all 2399 of us did the same thing all over again and then we raised our Day 1 flag.

Then it was time to hit the showers. The showers are very interesting because they look like a semi trailer. There are two doors and about 6 showers on each side. They were nice warm showers. But, guess what, this was when I got to be traumatized by seeing a bunch of naked women drying off and putting lotion on with NO modesty at all. WHAT THE... And I thought I had no modesty. But, in their defence, the towels they gave us were about the size of postage stamps. So, I just tried to focus on covering up my ghetto booty!

Now for the karaoke party. Of course we got up there too late so I didn't get to sing :( CRAP! I was soooooooooo looking forward to that. But it was fun and I got up and danced and shook my ghetto booty. It was great! Poor Cyndi was at the Medical tent getting her blisters tended to. Anyway, then it was 9pm. Time for lights out and quiet time. Of course SOME people don't know how to read directions, so they were laughing and being loud. So, I yelled at them one time (LOL) and they were quiet after that. I popped my earplugs in, lied down on my raft and fell asleep almost instantly. I did wake up once in the middle of the night to go to the restroom, I considered peeing on myself but then decided against it. I woke up Cyndi getting out of the tent so she went too.

DAY 2:

Saturday morning we got up at 5:30 because the route would open at 6:30. Got dressed quickly, caked on the body glide and off we went. Cyndi had to get her blisters worked on again so we didn't leave until 7:30. But that was fine. Slow and steady wins the race, right? The guy in the Oscar the Grouch shirt and biker shorts was now wearing a Grinch shirt and biker shorts. So, I started calling him Oscar the Grinch (instead of Oscar the Grouch, since he had changed his shirt). Then we were off, at first the people in Des Plaines were very nice, honking and waving and cheering for us. Then the next city.... UGGH! They were soooo grouchy. They were so irritated that we had invaded their city. I would say "HI" to people passing and they wouldn't even say hi back. Well by the time I said hi to this one lady, I was fed up when she didn't say hi back so I said "Hey, we're walking for YOUR boobs!!" Then this other lady wouldn't wave when she was stopped at the stop sign waiting for us to pass so I finally said "WAVE TO ME!!" and then she reluctantly did LOL! At the first pitstop, it started raining and of course since there was NO rain in the forecast I didn't have my rain poncho in my fanny pack (YES I WORE A FANNY PACK HHHHHAAAAAAA). But, then I looked over and there was an angel handing them out, so when I went to sit my stuff down to put the poncho on I was thinking "OK how am I going to hold the hood on?" and it was like God threw a clothes pin down from heaven, there was one just sitting there right where I had stopped. So, I used it to clip the hood onto the bill of my hat. It worked like a charm. But, then I was still really cold so about a mile later, I found a Walgreens. I went in and bought a pink hoodie for 14.99 and that made me nice and toasty! Also I went ahead and used the restroom (one less time I'd have to use a nasty porta potty). You wouldn't believe how nice the sound of a flushing toilet is until you've gone two days without it. The next town was Mount Prospect! I'll never forget that town. They were the NICEST people ever!! The police officers that volunteered to help us cross the streets had gone out and bought PINK uniforms. Can you believe it?? They were OFFICIAL uniforms with badges and everything. So, I got my picture taken with two of them, one was an old man and one was the husband of one of the walkers. But, of course I don't have those pictures downloaded yet. Then we were off to the next town. I really don't remember much about the towns between Mt. Prospect and lunch because I was in a lot of pain. My hip was killing me and no matter how much I stretched it I couldn't get it to go away. I was hobbling so much and walking so slowly that one of the sweep vans stopped and asked if I needed help. Of course I said no thanks and I was on my way. Slowly but surely. Then I texted everyone and they all said "I'll pray for you..." and I swear about 1/2 hour later, it was completely gone!!

At lunch time I took my shoes and socks off and found that I had a bunch of blisters. I wrapped them up as best I could and Courtney told me to put Vaseline on my feet to prevent blisters. NOW THEY TELL ME! So, I caked on her Vaseline and I was on my way again. Cyndi and I were limping quite a bit but then again so was everyone else. As Cyndi and I were walking we actually saw a fox, right in a rural neighborhood just hanging out. If I wasn't so tired I would have gotten out the camera and taken a picture but I was too tired for that nonsense. We kind of looped around on Saturday and then ended up back in Mount Prospect. The police officers were so nice, cheering for us and saying "Welcome Back." I thought that we were close but we weren't. For the last 7 miles we were stopping to rest our feet every mile and a half or so. One time when Cyndi took her sock off, steam pored out LOL!

Anyway, so then we had 3 miles to go. WOW that was a LOOOOOONG 3 miles and it was almost all rocks and pebbles. KILLING our feet. But, of course, we pushed on. About a half of a mile before camp I sat down on this bridge ( now you know I was tired because I'm TERRIFIED of bridges) and I seriously thought I was going to have to use the sweep van but I was like NO WAY! So, finally I got up and we made it!! We decided to eat before walking ALL the way to our tents so I just took my shoes off and walked around with just my socks on. It was some Chicken stuff and it was actually pretty good. Or maybe I was just starving. Then we went and took showers and then straight to the medical tent. The NICEST little 25 year old girl helped me take care of my blisters. I believe her name was Stephanie. She wrapped all 10 of them. She was so sweet. I told her that if I had money I would have tipped her. Then it was off to the dance party. Yeah! My feet hurt but do you actually think I would pass up dancing?? NO WAY!! I got on stage and danced for a while and then Cyndi and I went into the mail room. We found that we both had the sweetest letter and card from my mom and Melinda. They were VERY inspirational and they really helped me going on Day 3. We were also able to send out postcards from that room so that was great too. Then Cyndi and I went to the "remembrance tent." This is a white tent where you go in and write names of survivors and people who didn't survive on the tent. It is a very nice peaceful place to reflect on the events of the 3Day. Then we went to bed (or should I say, we went to raft).

DAY 3:

Rise and shine!! It was time to get up at 4:00am. We had to pack up our stuff, take our tents down (no tent angels this time). And drop our bags off at truck G again. I went to the porta potty and when I came out, I was in an ornary mood so I said "This toilet isn't flushing" to some lady. She actually stopped for a second and then remembered that they were porta potties and started laughing. We ate breakfast which was really good and we were on our way again. We had to ride a bus to Skokie Illinois and then we would start our walk. Oscar the Grinch was now wearing and Air Force shirt. It really didn't go along with his previous shirts so I started calling him "Oscar the Grinch in the Air Force" every time I saw him. We started the day off and I remember saying "I think I'll do this again next year." About 10 miles later I was thinking "I'LL NEVER DO THIS AGAIN, maybe I'll be a crew member next time." Anyway, it was absolutely beautiful. We were walking by the lake almost the entire time. It was 76 degrees and the wind was blowing from the lake. I actually wore my little pink hoodie almost the entire time. I forgot to mention when describing the other days that there were these two ladies that would ride around all over the place honking and screaming at us. We got to the point that we would start waving before we even saw them because we recognized their horn sound. They would also stop every few miles and hand out water and ice, they were great. There was also a clown lady that was great too. She was so cute and she kept giving us stickers and necklaces and yelling and cheering. Then at one point they were handing out donut holes. YUM those were so good, they were just what I needed for a one minute burst of energy.

By Pit Stop 2 I was about to die. But, we pushed on. At one point Cyndi was trying to make us laugh and she goes "Talk like Chevonne." She was referring to how when Chevonne, Melinda and I get together we start talking like they do when they're "straight from the hills of Kentucky" just to be funny. We say things like "She's got the sugar" instead of she's diabetic, or "Nothin' in that garage ain't no count" instead of Everything in that garage is junk. And I go "I CAN'T, I can't even think. I don't even know what we say any more." LOL! Then we hit the streets of downtown Chicago. That helped a lot. People were yelling and screaming for us as we walked down the streets. And then, with 4.2 miles to go, Cyndi and I got a second wind and we started walking REALLY fast. And I was slapping everyone a five that walked by off the street. If they didn't lift their arm, I would yell "COME ON BROTHER (or sista), HOOK A SISTA UP!" Then they would laugh a little and reluctantly slap me a five. Then we stopped at a stop light and Cyndi started a chant. She said "Who's walking 60 miles?" and we all yelled "WE ARE!" and she said "WHO?" and we said "WE ARE!!!!" and she said "WHOOO?" and we said "WEEEE AREEE YAY!!!!!!!" and we all started screaming and clapping. So of course at the next stoplight, I had to put my spin on it and I said "WHO'S THE HOTTEST 60 MILE WALKERS EVER??" and so we all yelled again.

Then, with one mile to go we stopped at our final pit stop. We didn't stop long because we were ready to get there. When we were almost there, I suddenly felt like a little kid and I looked at Cyndi and I said "I can't wait to see my parents." We could see Soldier Field in the distance and it actually didn't seem like a long final mile like the other days had. Then we started on this path and thousands of people were lined up cheering us on. Here is a picture of my mom and Ellah waiting for us:

Then I saw my momma bear and papa bear in the distance. My mom was taking a picture of us and crying. Here is Cyndi and me coming up the path:

And here is what the finish line looked like:

I didn't see Ellah yet because she was sitting on the little cement bench behind my mom. Rick had said that he didn't think she was going to be able to go because they were going to go to the water park. I stuck my arms out and my mom ran out and hugged us. Then she turned around and pointed to Ellah. I ran and grabbed her and hugged her so tight. I missed my little Ellah Pooh.

We waited under a tree for the closing ceremony to start. I took my socks and shoes off, MAN that felt good! Here is what my feet looked like:

I had 5 blisters on each foot. That includes the two that were underneath the toenails of my 2 second toes. But, that isn't a big deal, like a lot of the signs on the route said "BLISTERS DON'T NEED CHEMO!"

First my mom rubbed my feet and then when my mom's hands got tired, since Ellah LOVES to put lotion on me, I said "Ellah, do you want to put lotion on my feet?" She was really excited and it felt like a foot massage with two tiny soft adorable hands.

Now it was time for the closing ceremonies. We all got in a group and and lined up to do our victory walk.. We walked in holding hands with our hands up in the air. Then the survivors walked in doing their victory walk:
We all raised our shoes up in the air to honor them:

Then the survivors did their survivor circle and raised our victory flag. It said "A WORLD WITHOUT BREAST CANCER."

Then the motivational speaker got on and told us that Chicago raised a total of 6.1 million dollars! CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT???? Of that 6.1 million, I raised a total of $3,551.07 (I put the 7 cents in myself because 7 is my lucky number). Together Cyndi and I (Team CHICAS 4 TETAS) raised almost $7000.00.

After closing ceremonies were over, we went to get our bags and leave. We found my bag right away and then Cyndi's sister, Mari and Izzy came and gave me a little present. It was so sweet. And then Cyndi't friend Jen came and gave me a dozen roses. That was so sweet too. My mom and dad were parked right in front in the parking garage. So, that was great, or so we thought. Until we sat in the parking garage for 30 minutes without moving an inch. It took us about an hour to get out. We drove home and Ellah wanted me to hold her hand the whole way. It was so cute. I was dying for some good old fashioned Mexican Food! You KNOW I love Mexican food. So, we went to La Caretta in Merrillville to eat. That was so yummy! Then we got home at about 8:30pm. I fully expected the house to be a disaster and that I would have a ton of laundry to do. On the way home I asked Ellah "Did daddy use the dishwasher while mommy was gone?" and she said "Yes, he got a bowl out of the dishwasher." and she was so serious. It was so cute. But, when I got home there were Rick and Halle standing right by the door hugging and congratulating me. Then I walked in the house and it was totally clean and the laundry was done and folded. Rick and Halle had really pulled through for me.
I wanted to stay up and visit but I couldn't. I was BEAT! So, I took a shower and went straight to bed. Snuggling with Ellah of course, my little "Snuggle Bunny."
Monday morning I hobbled into work. Everyone was congratulating me. I went to the 3Day website and signed up to do the walk again next year. So, now I have more time to raise the required $2300.00. So, if you want to help me get an early start, you can donate to me by going to and then click on "Donate Now" and then go to the bottom and type in my first and last name (Melissa Fairchild) and click on "Find Participant." At the bottom it will list my 2008 walk and my 2009 walk. Be sure to click on the 2009 walk.
Thank you so much for all of your donations, support and prayers. I can't wait to do this all over again next year.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

23 hours!!! 08/07/08

OMG in less than 23 hours we will be beginning our walk! HOLY COW! OK I can do it... I can do it... I can do it....

I am so excited!!!!!! But, the more I think about leaving my little Ellah Pooh, the harder it gets. OK I need to push that out of my mind.

Thanks everyone for all of your support.


Tuesday, August 5, 2008

OMG 3 more days!!! 08/05/08

OK only 3 more days to go! I am really getting excited. A little nervous, but mostly excited. In case you want to see how Cyndi and I are doing, you can view the webcam that will be at camp starting at around 2pm on Friday and again at 2pm on Saturday. You can see how hot I am when I don't have any electric to fix my hair, and no make up and I've just walked 20 or 40 miles LOL! I am sure everyone else will look just as hot. Here is the website:

Talk to you all later...

Friday, August 1, 2008

ONE MORE WEEK and GREAT ANNIVERSARY yesterday 08/01/2008

Only one more week to go. Can you believe it??? I sure can't. It sure went by fast. But, then again, the summer ALWAYS goes by so fast. OK so yesterday was my 4 year anniversary right?? Well, I got home and the BEST husband in the WORLD surprised me with a brand new dishwasher!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YIPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Can you imagine my excitement???? OMG OMG OMG OMG!! I was jumping all over the place with sheer excitement. Can you believe it?? I am never going to hand wash another freaking dish in my life. Before my life revolved around washing stupid dishes. NEVER again. My life is officially perfect in every way. I am a new woman!!! Last night after my maiden voyage with my dishwashwer, I unloaded it in like 3.5 minutes and then of COURSE there were already like 5 dirty dishes in the sink. So, I loaded those in the dishwasher and guess what???? THERE ARE NO DISHES IN MY SINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

ONLY 8 MORE DAYS!!! Today is my 4 yr anniversary too! July 31, 2008

OK so only 8 more days until the big walk!! I am getting super excited. But, a little nervous too. I don't think I told you that we have a team (there are 2 of us, myself and my friend Cyndi). Our name is CHICAS 4 TETAS. I bet you can guess what TETAS is spanish for....

Anway, here is a picture of me, Cyndi (my teammate), and Kristi (my boss). I know I look like complete CRAP in this pic but oh well.

Friday, July 25, 2008

I know I know... I haven't posted in a LONG time! July 25, 2008

OK so, only 2 weeks to go and I have been REALLY slacking on my training. I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO burnt out from training too much. I just figure that if I fall over, a bus will come and take me to my tent.
I am a little stressed bc I am really going to miss my little Ellah Pooh when I'm gone. I miss her so bad while I'm at work, 3 days is going to be REALLY bad!!
Well anyway, I have raised almost $3300 so that is exciting, isn't it!!

Thursday, May 15, 2008


Well, just in case you haven't already noticed, I can't spell. Just a heads up for you all!
I thought I would add this HOT picture for you all to see LOL!!!!!

05/15/2008 - 11 MILES today

OK so today is the BIG 11 mile day. I've already walked 4 so far. I got up at 4:30 am again. It was MUCH harder to get up this time than it was last week. But, then suddenly I thought that it must be WAY harder for someone with Breast Cancer (or any other kind of cancer for that matter) to get up each day, and they do it any way. And then I remembered how hard it is going to be for my Mother-In-Law today, as today is her first Chemo treatment. So, I rolled out of bed and got moving.
I didn't do very well this weekend though. I thought "Hey it's mother's day weekend, doesn't that mean I get to rest ALL weekend long? I'm pretty sure it does..." So, I hardly walked at all. But, that's ok. I had already walked quite a bit durring the week anyway.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Oops again

I meant to say "I don't have to walk 11 in a DAY until next week." I will be walking 24 miles all together this week (over 4 days).

05/08/08 10 miles today

OK so I was wrong, I don't have to walk 11 in a week until next week PHEW (wiping sweat from forehead). Anyway, I am walking 10 miles today. Well, I actully might walk 11 or 12 if I feel good. I want to try to get a bunch of walking in so I won't have to walk too much this weekend. You know it IS Mother's Day weekend. Well I have been getting a bad case of "walker's trot" lately. Today I was only at 1.75 and I was about to DIE, so I had to stop at 2 miles and make a quick pit stop to the bathroom LOL! I've already walked 4 miles this morning!!! I got up at 4:40am!!! YES, MELISSA DEANNE got up at 4:40. If it were up to me, I'd get up at 10:40. But, I have to stay on plan, ya know. Well, I'll talk to you all later.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Met my Goal!!

OK so I finally met my goal on 04/28/2008! Can you believe it?? It took me a month and a half to raise my money. And I was nervous I wouldn't get it all LOL! Thank you all so much for donating.
I did my first 10 miles in one day walk last Thursday (05/01/2008). I have now walked a total of 139 miles!!! Can you believe it?
Things are going pretty well, but I am seriously thinking that my second toe is getting more and more cricked (did I spell that right?). I walked 24 miles last week and I'll walk another 24 this week. I have to walk 11 miles tomorrow (HOLY COW!!!)

04/25/2008 I hit 100 MILES

Well, I hit 100 miles yesterday. Actually it's 106 miles so far. Yesterday I walked 8 miles for the first time. I feet are a little sore, but not really that bad. I've raised $2140, YIPPEEEEEEE only $60 more to go. But, don't worry I will NOT stop there!Thanks for all of your support.Mel~


Ok, so I've been walking for 4 weeks now. I walked 19 miles last week. I've walked a total of 63 miles so far. This week I have to walk 21 miles.My mother-in-law is having her mastectomy on April 15th and then she starts Chemo on the 30th, so please keep her in your prayers!


OK, so last week I walked another 17 miles. I've walked a total of 44 miles. The other day my two second toes turned all purple underneath the toenail. It is very painful but I am pushing forward. This is a great experience for me and I am REALLY excited about it.


I have been training for 2 weeks now. Yesterday I started the first day of my 3rd week. This is so fun. I walked 10 miles the first week and 17 miles the second week (don't worry, I'll work my way up to walking as much as 44 miles in one week before this starts). Anyway, yesterday I walked 6 miles, which is the most I've walked in a day, yet. My toes are killing me, but that is all that hurts so far.I am starting to stress over fundraising though. How can I raise $2200? Any ideas??Talk to you all soon.