Thursday, May 15, 2008


Well, just in case you haven't already noticed, I can't spell. Just a heads up for you all!
I thought I would add this HOT picture for you all to see LOL!!!!!

05/15/2008 - 11 MILES today

OK so today is the BIG 11 mile day. I've already walked 4 so far. I got up at 4:30 am again. It was MUCH harder to get up this time than it was last week. But, then suddenly I thought that it must be WAY harder for someone with Breast Cancer (or any other kind of cancer for that matter) to get up each day, and they do it any way. And then I remembered how hard it is going to be for my Mother-In-Law today, as today is her first Chemo treatment. So, I rolled out of bed and got moving.
I didn't do very well this weekend though. I thought "Hey it's mother's day weekend, doesn't that mean I get to rest ALL weekend long? I'm pretty sure it does..." So, I hardly walked at all. But, that's ok. I had already walked quite a bit durring the week anyway.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Oops again

I meant to say "I don't have to walk 11 in a DAY until next week." I will be walking 24 miles all together this week (over 4 days).

05/08/08 10 miles today

OK so I was wrong, I don't have to walk 11 in a week until next week PHEW (wiping sweat from forehead). Anyway, I am walking 10 miles today. Well, I actully might walk 11 or 12 if I feel good. I want to try to get a bunch of walking in so I won't have to walk too much this weekend. You know it IS Mother's Day weekend. Well I have been getting a bad case of "walker's trot" lately. Today I was only at 1.75 and I was about to DIE, so I had to stop at 2 miles and make a quick pit stop to the bathroom LOL! I've already walked 4 miles this morning!!! I got up at 4:40am!!! YES, MELISSA DEANNE got up at 4:40. If it were up to me, I'd get up at 10:40. But, I have to stay on plan, ya know. Well, I'll talk to you all later.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Met my Goal!!

OK so I finally met my goal on 04/28/2008! Can you believe it?? It took me a month and a half to raise my money. And I was nervous I wouldn't get it all LOL! Thank you all so much for donating.
I did my first 10 miles in one day walk last Thursday (05/01/2008). I have now walked a total of 139 miles!!! Can you believe it?
Things are going pretty well, but I am seriously thinking that my second toe is getting more and more cricked (did I spell that right?). I walked 24 miles last week and I'll walk another 24 this week. I have to walk 11 miles tomorrow (HOLY COW!!!)

04/25/2008 I hit 100 MILES

Well, I hit 100 miles yesterday. Actually it's 106 miles so far. Yesterday I walked 8 miles for the first time. I feet are a little sore, but not really that bad. I've raised $2140, YIPPEEEEEEE only $60 more to go. But, don't worry I will NOT stop there!Thanks for all of your support.Mel~


Ok, so I've been walking for 4 weeks now. I walked 19 miles last week. I've walked a total of 63 miles so far. This week I have to walk 21 miles.My mother-in-law is having her mastectomy on April 15th and then she starts Chemo on the 30th, so please keep her in your prayers!


OK, so last week I walked another 17 miles. I've walked a total of 44 miles. The other day my two second toes turned all purple underneath the toenail. It is very painful but I am pushing forward. This is a great experience for me and I am REALLY excited about it.


I have been training for 2 weeks now. Yesterday I started the first day of my 3rd week. This is so fun. I walked 10 miles the first week and 17 miles the second week (don't worry, I'll work my way up to walking as much as 44 miles in one week before this starts). Anyway, yesterday I walked 6 miles, which is the most I've walked in a day, yet. My toes are killing me, but that is all that hurts so far.I am starting to stress over fundraising though. How can I raise $2200? Any ideas??Talk to you all soon.